(303) 485-9086      2919 17th Ave #211, Longmont, CO 80503 | Online Therapy Available

Depression Treatment

sunset over lake

Has Depression Kept You Feeling Down For Too Long?

  • Do you experience sadness that often feels overwhelming?
  • Have you lost sight of your goals, dreams, and your vision of a brighter future?
  • Are you isolating yourself more than usual and prefer being alone, only adding to your sense of detachment from the world?

Living with depression can feel like walking in a long, dark tunnel with no light at the end in sight. Maybe you have wanted to step outside of depression for a long time and are now ready to explore treatment as a way to finally unburden yourself from this load. 

Depression Can Arise From Many Sources

It can be tough to acknowledge that you’ve been dealing with depression. You might experience shame or guilt or judge yourself for the way you feel. With all the time you have spent feeling down, it’s like you’ve missed out on portions of your life. 

Even if you managed to successfully ignore your depression for some time, feelings of hopelessness may keep coming back. Or perhaps you’ve noticed recurring physical symptoms like:

  • fatigue
  • excessive sleeping or insomnia
  • numbness
  • inertia 

Maybe you’ve dealt with some personal challenges that have led to or contributed to your depression. You might have a job you dislike that you feel stuck in with no clear way out. Perhaps you are having relationship troubles and dealing with daily stress and conflict in your home. Or you’ve lost a loved one and are experiencing grief that you can’t seem to shake. 

No matter the origin of your depression, I tailor my treatment approach to your needs, which can help bring more acceptance and compassion to what you are going through.

person walking in dark forest

Many People Struggle With Depression In The US

Understanding how common depression is can provide some measure of comfort. While it might feel quite isolating, you are not alone. 

There is no one common cause for depression, as both genetic and environmental factors contribute. Some people have a biological disposition to depression, just as someone could be born with diabetes or other inherited challenges. Others are exposed to environmental causes that take a toll on their mental wellness, like persistent stress, trauma, and other external factors.

We experience a lot of turmoil in our society today. Just think about the hectic pace of day-to-day life, the pressures to always be productive, and the continuously negative messages we are bombarded with through the media. This includes uncertainty over world events, climate changes, the economy, and politics, paired with technology that makes it easier for us to isolate ourselves and remove opportunities for human contact.

Treating Symptoms But Missing The Core Issue

Quite often, people try to manage or resolve their depression without the help of a therapist, and some believe that sheer willpower can make it go away. They might tell themselves to get over it or to grow up, or some other self-criticism that likely does more harm than good. 

Sometimes, individuals try to distract themselves from what is bringing them down mentally. However, these and other attempts may only be treating the symptoms rather than the core issue of their depression.

At my practice, I can help you get to the root of how your depression began and what has contributed to it, as well as how to manage your symptoms. Bringing these inner issues to light is a key step in resolving why you have developed depression in the first place so that you also start the path to healing. 

grass growing in sunny field

Treatment Can Help You Break The Hold Depression Has On You

While depression may make you feel like you’re at the low point of your life, counseling can be viewed as a stepping stone into a life of greater fulfillment.  

When you come to sessions at my practice you will be accepted just the way you are, no matter what you are feeling on any given day. As your psychotherapist, I can help you become curious about your depression and turn toward it as if it were a friend, bringing compassion and love to it so you are in a space to listen to what it really needs. 

My training, skills, and experience can help you discover and transform the patterns that got you to this point in your life. I have guided many people through this process and have assisted them in moving out of those stuck places that depression often produces.

Some people prefer to access their own spiritual resources in their approach to healing.  If you fit this category, then you may wish to incorporate your spirituality into your therapy journey.  I can provide guidance and compassion along these spiritual lines that can aid in the healing process.

Modalities For Holistic, Individualized Treatment

I have received training in and utilize several trusted modalities for depression treatment. What works for one person may not work for someone else, and together we will explore which ones create positive results for you. Here is a brief description of some of my approaches:

  • Integrative Therapy – I will match your unique set of circumstances and concerns with the appropriate depression treatment. This begins with learning about your traits, values, beliefs, and motivation levels, among other factors. As a holistic approach, integrative therapy combines different techniques for your therapeutic success. 
  • Healing of Memories – The healing of memories is an often overlooked modality when it comes to depression treatment. Depression frequently stems from suppressed anger that can often relate to negative, unresolved past experiences. Underneath the anger, you will usually find hurt. And beneath the hurt, you will find love. This process will allow you to connect to the loving that resides at the core of your depression. Once you connect with that, healing becomes a natural by-product. 
  • Rogerian Psychotherapy – I use this type of psychotherapy, developed by psychologist Carl Rogers, to help you recognize your inner strength and ability to grow, as well as how to find fulfillment in life. You can achieve this through acceptance and empathy for your current circumstances, and by utilizing the benefits of our therapeutic relationship. 

Exploring your depression and the feelings it brings up in therapy can provide valuable information that you can use to fully integrate, heal, and move forward into a stronger and more confident sense of self. 

You Might Still Have Questions Or Concerns About Depression Treatment…

I am worried I’ll be judged for going to therapy. 

You might worry about what other people will think of you going to therapy. My advice is to follow your heart despite this concern.

No one needs to know that you are seeing a counselor for your depression. This whole process is confidential. While you may want to share details with your significant other or trusted people in your life, this process is entirely for your benefit, even though your loved ones will also benefit from the positive changes therapy can bring. 

How can I know therapy is worth the cost? 

Therapy can be seen as another form of self-care to invest in, like going to the doctor or the gym. Your experience during treatment will allow you to see the value of what you receive. In fact, you may recognize some of the benefits right away, like the coping skills you can implement after our first few sessions. Realistically, though, it can take a few months to notice changes related to core issues. Depression therapy could be considered a long-term commitment, but there is no contract or set amount of time you need to sign up for, and you can stop at any time. 

How can I know that your approach to depression treatment will work for me?

While we can’t predict exactly if my approach will work for you, I can tell you I have worked with countless others who have gone on to manage their depression and live confident, fulfilling lives. In our first session, you can share what you would like about yourself and what is happening at this time in your life. You will also have a chance to ask me any questions that you may have about my approach. If you decide to continue with sessions, we can discuss options for a plan to move forward.

Relief And Healing Is Possible With Depression Treatment

I applaud you for finding the self-awareness and inner strength to reach out for help with your depression struggles. 

I offer a free, 30-minute phone call or video consultation so we can meet and discuss what your therapeutic journey could look like. During this meeting, you can also learn more about my practice and approach.

Please reach out by calling (303) 485-9086 or sending your information through my contact form to get started. 

Thank you for visiting! I send my best wishes for your healing process as you move forward.

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Depression Treatment Longmont, CO

2919 17th Ave # 211,
Longmont, CO 80503